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/****************************** * Editable section -- Start -- ******************************/ // DATE SETTINGS - EDIT AS REQUIRED var daysinAdvance = 2; // Sets default days in advance from current date var numberNights = 2; // Sets default number of nights var numberYears = 3; // Sets default number of years to display in year select list var numberNightsMin = 1; // Sets minimum number of nights accepted var imgDir = "images/"; // Directory for the dynamic calendar script and images. Trailing slash must be included. // FLAG SETTINGS ON/OFF - SET TO 1 FOR ON & 0 FOR OFF var wdDisplay = 1; //weekday display var numberNightsDisplay = 0; //number of nights display var departDateDisplay = 1; //departure dates display var departDateUpdate = 1; //auto update departure date // WEEK DAY AND NUMBER NIGHTS TEXT - EDIT TEXT AS REQUIRED var wdArray = new Array("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"); var nightTxt = " Night"; var nightsTxt = " Nights"; // ERROR MESSAGE TEXT - EDIT TEXT AS REQUIRED var invalidDateTxt = "Invalid Arrival Date. Please check number of days selected"; var invalidDatePriorTxt = "Arrival Date selected is prior Today's date. Please change..."; var invalidDepartDateTxt = "Invalid Departure Date. Please check number of days selected"; var invalidDepartTxt = "Departure Date is prior to Arrival Date selected. Please change..."; var invalidNightsTxt = "Sorry, reservations under "+numberNightsMin+" nights are not accepted."; /****************************** * Editable section -- End -- ******************************/ /************************************************** * DO NOT CHANGE JAVASCRIPT SETTINGS BELOW THIS LINE **************************************************/ //Days in each month Array var aNumDays = new Array (31,0,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); //Cancel out if no departure date display if(departDateDisplay == 0) { numberNightsDisplay = 0; departDateUpdate = 0; } //Sets dates selected from dyncalendar function calendarCallback(day, month, year, objName, formName) { if(objName == "calendarArrive"){ document.forms[formName].fd.selectedIndex = day-1; document.forms[formName].fm.selectedIndex = month-1; document.forms[formName].fy.selectedIndex = year - document.forms[formName].fy.options[0].text; updateDates(document.forms[formName]); if(wdDisplay == 1) setWkd(formName, 1); }else{ //objName == calendarDepart document.forms[formName].td.selectedIndex = day-1; document.forms[formName].tm.selectedIndex = month-1; document.forms[formName].ty.selectedIndex = year - document.forms[formName].ty.options[0].text; if(wdDisplay == 1) setWkd(formName, 1); } } //Update form with selected dates function updateDates(form, loadDates) { //check Leap Year if( { var leapYear = new Date (form.fy.options[form.fy.selectedIndex].text,,1); var leapYear = new Date (leapYear - (24*60*60*1000)); var numDaysInMonth = leapYear.getDate(); }else{ var numDaysInMonth = aNumDays[]; } // Update departure date only when loading the form and/or departDateUpdate is set to 1 if(loadDates == 1 || departDateUpdate == 1) { var selectDate = new Date(form.fy.options[form.fy.selectedIndex].text,, form.fd.selectedIndex); var setDate = new Date(selectDate.getTime() + ((numberNights+1) * 86400000)); var setDay = setDate.getDate(); var setMonth = setDate.getMonth(); var setYear = setDate.getFullYear() - form.fy.options[0].text; var checkinDate = new Date(form.fy.options[form.fy.selectedIndex].text,,form.fd.selectedIndex+1); var checkoutDate = new Date(form.ty.options[form.ty.selectedIndex].text,,; if(checkinDate > checkoutDate) { if(setYear == form.ty.length) {[30].selected=1;[11].selected=1; form.ty.options[form.ty.length-1].selected=1; } else {[setDay-1].selected=1;[setMonth].selected=1; form.ty.options[setYear].selected=1; } } } if(form.fd.selectedIndex+1 > numDaysInMonth) { alert(invalidDateTxt); form.fd.selectedIndex = numDaysInMonth-1; } } function setWkd(form, calendar) { // change form object if returned from calendar if(calendar) form = document.forms[form]; for (var i = 0; i < form.fy.length; i++) { if (form.fy.options[i].selected) var fyear = form.fy.options[i].text; if (departDateDisplay == 1 && form.ty.options[i].selected) var tyear = form.ty.options[i].text; } var checkinDate = new Date(fyear,,form.fd.selectedIndex+1); if (departDateDisplay == 1) var checkoutDate = new Date(tyear,,; var numNights = Math.round((checkoutDate - checkinDate) / 86400000); if (numNights == 1) numNights += nightTxt; else numNights += nightsTxt; //Set Days of the week display if(wdDisplay == 1 && document.getElementById) { document.getElementById('inWd').firstChild.nodeValue = '(' + wdArray[checkinDate.getDay()] + ')'; if (departDateDisplay == 1) document.getElementById('outWd').firstChild.nodeValue = '(' + wdArray[checkoutDate.getDay()] + ')'; } //Set number of nights display if(numberNightsDisplay == 1 && document.getElementById) document.getElementById('lengthStay').firstChild.nodeValue = numNights; } //Load current dates on form load function LoadDates(form) { var curDate = new Date(); var setDate = new Date(curDate.getTime() + (daysinAdvance * 86400000)); var setDay = setDate.getDate(); var setMonth = setDate.getMonth(); var setYear = setDate.getFullYear() - form.fy.options[0].text; // Set Arrival Dates form.fd.selectedIndex = setDay-1; = setMonth; form.fy.selectedIndex = setYear; // Set the Departure Dates updateDates(form, departDateDisplay); if(wdDisplay == 1 || numberNightsDisplay == 1) setWkd(form); } //Load current dates on form load function checkDates(form) { var curDate = new Date(); for (var i = 0; i numDaysInMonth) { alert(invalidDepartDateTxt); = numDaysInMonth-1; return false; } var checkoutDate = new Date(tyear,,; var numNights = Math.round((checkoutDate - checkinDate) / 86400000); } else { var numNights = form.numnights.selectedIndex+1; } if(checkinDate.getTime() < curDate.getTime()) { alert(invalidDatePriorTxt); return false; } if(numNights < 1) { alert(invalidDepartTxt ); return false; } if(numNights < numberNightsMin) { alert(invalidNightsTxt); return false; } } //Generate years options for year select list function year_option(form){ curDate = new Date(); curYear = curDate.getFullYear(); for(i = curYear ; i <= curYear+(numberYears-1) ; i++ ){ document.write('' + i + ''); } }
Check In: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec year_option(); Check Out: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec year_option(); Adults: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Child: 0 1 2

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